Should I try to do some more?

The calf is healing surprisingly well in both the muscle pull and the frostbite. The lumpiness of the frostbite made me paranoid enough to call the advice nurse Friday afternoon. She said she suspected “frostnip” since the skin is red and not white. She said to watch for continued numbness and blistering. Both have occurred to a minor degree but it is clear to me today that it is healing. The red is subsiding and the blistering seems to be lessening. The muscle feels well enough that I can walk normally and spent much of last night stretching it out.

Today I celebrated Easter by turning my compost pile and harvesting an especially rich vein of crumbly soil. At this time of year, you’re always on the clock to get things done before it starts raining. I spent my newly acquired compost on planting new grass in a weedy area in the front. I had to dig out all the weeds and crab grass first, so it occupied most of my afternoon. I’m glad I got it done though and the sprinkles kept threatening the whole time I sat out there digging up weeds.

Graham came out and asked if I would play a board game with him so he’s setting up “The Simpsons Clue”. Who killed Mr. Burns? Homer in the garage with the donut!