Wiiquest, Part Three

I awoke shortly after 6:00 am with two stores on the agenda for the morning:

Fred Meyer, Vancouver WA

Arrival: 7:00 (opening)
Wiis Available: 3
Wiis Sold Before Me: 3
Arrival time for first in line: 5:00 am (with no guarantee there would be any in stock)

Target, Mall 205

Arrival: 7:20 (40 minutes before open)
Place in line: 1st
Wiis Available: 0

Target, 122nd & Glisan

Arrival: 8:10
Wiis Available: 0

I hit the last Target on the way home. I drove 23 miles altogether. Tomorrow is a big day as it’s a stocking day for the all the Portland Fred Meyers.

Wiiquest, Part Two

A few weeks ago we stopped by the Gresham Best Buy to ask about their Wii availability. I was informed that they were holding back inventory until the 17th when they would put them all on sale. I marked the date on my calendar.

Last week I learned that Target would also be offering another round of Wii’s on the 17th. With that knowledge, I committed to “camping out” in order to get one for the boys. Since the Wii had already been out a month at that point, I figured that most of the hard-core buyers had already gotten theirs and I wouldn’t have to camp out for more than a few hours.

I arrived at the Best Buy in Gresham at about 3:30 am. I quickly counted 15-20 people already there and decided to move on to the Best Buy in Vancouver. On the way there I swung by the Airport Way store where there over 20 people in line including 3 tents. I was happy to see two fathers within the first ten people.

I arrived at the Vancouver Best Buy at almost exactly 4:00. When I arrived, the rumor was that they had 17 units. I was informed that I was 7 back from unit #17. Having explored the other options, I decided to stick it out anyway and hope for the best.

I have learned that after the store manager arrives, he will, in an attempt to preserve order and perhaps to bestow mercy upon the faithful, often hand out numbers to those in line so that they can warm themselves for an hour or so before the store opens for them to buy their item. Both Target and Best Buy were slated to open at 8:00 and would likely hand out numbers at 7:00.

Some after I arrived, a guy arrived who “guaranteed” that there would be 40 units. This was encouraging to all around me. More and more people arrived to shiver with us in the 27º cold as it got later and later. By 6:40, there were approximately 60-70 people in line when the manager came out to tell us that he only had 18 units. I hopped back in the car and sped off to Portland in the hope that I might be able to catch a shorter line at one of the Targets.

I arrived at the Target at 122nd and Glisan at about 6:55. There were about 20 people in line and they told me that the manager had already told them that there were only 15 units. I decided to move on.

After stopping for a gallon of gas, my next stop was the Fairview Target on Halsey, where there was nobody in line when I got there at 7:05. However, the parking lot was quite full of idling cars, so I approached one to find out the story. The manager had handed out numbers five minutes ago and there were none left. My source advised trying EB Games in Wood Village, which was only another five minutes away.

Five minutes later I found 10 people in line for 6 units. By that time, I’d had enough and headed home.

Thus, this week I will be calling stores every day and perhaps camping out for a few hours some mornings. If that fails, I would like to give the boys an empty box with an IOU inside, but I’m not sure Tina is down with that. The whole time I waited in line I kept picturing the looks on their faces when they opened it up. It would be an absolute surprise because we have told them repeatedly they have to earn the money to buy one. I want this to be the best Christmas they ever had.

Knicks vs. Nuggets

The Denver Nuggets visited Madison Square Garden where they blew out the lowly Knicks. With a minute and a half left in the game, the Nuggets stole the ball and J.R. Smith broke out for what looked like an easy layup or dunk. One of the Knicks wrapped his arms around Smith’s neck as he went up for the shot and pulled him down violently. Both went tumbling past the hoop into the stands. Soon players from both teams joined and it turned into a full-fledged brawl. A more detailed description can be found here.

After the game, the Knicks blamed the Nuggets for running up the score, show-boating and keeping starters in with a 20-point lead. Coach Isiah Thomas agreed and defended his players in the altercation. He even confronted Carmelo Anthony at mid-court afterwards asking why he and fellow starter Marcus Camby were still in the game. Although I know Thomas knows very little about coaching, perhaps someone should let him know that the coach is generally the one who decides which players are on the floor at any given time. In short, Isiah Thomas is, has been and will always be a punk.

But he’s not the only one in this abomination. After everything appeared to be calming down, Carmelo Anthony jumped back into the fray and punched a Knick. Then he proceeded to back down the court as several Knicks went after him. Throw a punch and then run away. Carmelo Anthony is a punk. And he doesn’t play defense. And he’s a ballhog.

I expect a big crackdown on the players involved in this brawl. Anthony, Jared Jeffries, Smith, Mardy Collins and Nate Robinson will all receive multi-game suspensions, I suspect. Thomas should be fined and suspended, but I don’t see that happening. But that’s OK because he’s living in his own private hell in New York and will be fired before next season.

Any way the wind blows

The wind was blowing very hard last night when I came home. So hard that it caused Max service disruptions throughout my ride home, causing my hour ride home to take an hour and a half. While I waited downtown for the train to arrive, the wind was blowing hard enough that I had to hold my bike in place. Never mind trying to read while waiting!

Graham had his holiday program at school last night and shortly after we got home last night all the lights went out. Graham was scared at first but we declared the situation “cool” and “fun” and he was soon at ease. We played Name That Tune (Christmas edition) with my iPod and the Boomtube. The boys and Tina went to bed around 9:30. I stayed up and played Brain Age on Thomas’ DS. Just as I finished my Sudoku puzzle the lights blinked on at about 10:15.

The aftermath this morning is lots of downed trees and branches across the Portland area. Winds on the coast gusted over 100 mph. Power outages are still prevalent throughout the area. Most schools were delayed two hours, but not ours. Here’s some links:

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 466
Weight lost: 50 lbs.
Hours of sleep last night: 9
Hours billed this week: 24
Meetings today: 3
Current reading: The Prince by Machiavelli, Feminism Is For Everybody by Bell Hooks
Recent listening: Coverville, DrugMusic
Recent viewing: Without A Trace, Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who, And You Don’t Stop, Everest, Countdown, Sportscenter, The Colbert Report
Recent playing: Sketchfighter
Recently accomplished: Sorted and stored computer stuff in garage
Imperative To Do: Finish garage, finish old blog entries, call mechanic, build new computer for Thomas, rake, clean garage, fix laundry room door, RMA old Tivo drive, Best of 2006, memory rebate
Cool Link: Wil Wheaton reviews Guitar Hero II

Guitar Hero

Last Sunday we stopped in at Best Buy after dinner. The boys wanted to look at the games and I wanted to find out the lowdown on their Wii inventory. They had no Wii’s, but they did have a PlayStation II demo that was running Guitar Hero II. I had heard about this game from Wil Wheaton’s blog, but had not seen it in person. We watched a kid play it for about 15 minutes before giving up to browse the rest of the store. We returned 20 minutes later and he was still playing. I think he took the hint because he finally set his guitar down and let us play. I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun this game is. All four of us tried it and we all loved it.

When I got home, I IM’d a collegue about it and he said he had a PS2 with GH1 and GH2 with two guitars! So he brought them in to work yesterday and we’ve lost a significant amount of productivity in the last two days. This might be the best game ever for a rock music fan.

There are four different levels of difficulty which you can apply to each song. GH2 lets you play cooperatively with another player. For example, on “Free Bird” one player plays lead guitar and the other plays rhythm guitar. On other songs, like “War Pigs”, one player has lead and the other plays bass. It’s really a blast.

GH2 costs $80 with a guitar controller. A second controller costs $50. We don’t have a PS2, so that would cost another $120. Over $200, so we won’t be getting one any time soon.

I tell you, though, it’s way more fun than learning to play a real guitar. At least if you’re a talentless, tone-deaf hack like me.

Check out the song lists for each game:

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 466
Weight lost: 50 lbs.
Hours of sleep last night: 8
Hours billed this week: 41
Current reading: The Prince by Machiavelli, Feminism Is For Everybody by Bell Hooks
Recent listening: Coverville, DrugMusic, NPR Story of the Day, Science Friday
Recent viewing: Without A Trace, And You Don’t Stop: 30 Years of Hip Hop, Sportscenter, Countdown, Mythbusters
Recent playing: Sketchfighter, Guitar Hero
Recently accomplished: n/a
Imperative To Do: Finish garage, finish old blog entries, call mechanic, build new computer for Thomas, rake, clean garage, fix laundry room door, RMA old Tivo drive, Best of 2006, memory rebate
Cool Link: International faux pas: Just reading the one for the U.S. is fun. Try another country!


This morning I visited four Walmarts in an attempt to get a certain Christmas present. In each case they only had enough units for the lucky 28 (or 15 or 12 or 9) people that had arrived before me. Hopefully, this item will become available at other stores soon. Interesting factoid: it takes only 45 minutes to drive to three Walmarts from our house. I could have added the fourth for another 10 minutes probably, but they made their items available at 12:01 this morning. The others all started selling at 7:00 or 8:00 this morning.

My shoulder is till sore and pops with certain hand movements. I’ve been trying to keep Nietzsche off it at night, but that’s his favorite shoulder. My other arm is also sore now because we did some garage cleaning over the weekend. The slow healing part of getting old really, really sucks.

Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 448
Weight lost: 49 lbs.
Hours of sleep last night: 8
Hours billed this week: 11.5
Current reading: The Prince by Machiavelli, Feminism Is For Everybody by Bell Hooks
Recent listening: Coverville, DrugMusic, NPR Story of the Day, Science Friday
Recent viewing: Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Cold Case, Giants at Cowboys, Colts at Titans, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show
Recent playing: Zuma, Sketchfighter
Recently accomplished: Cleaned garage (mostly), mowed lawn, winterized back yard, dried van, paid bills
Imperative To Do: Finish garage, finish old blog entries, call mechanic, build new computer for Thomas, rake, clean garage, fix laundry room door, RMA old Tivo drive, Best of 2006, memory rebate
Cool Link: AIM Fight: Are you on AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)? If so, you can take me on in an AIM Fight (my screen name is “rynosoft”), an idea conceived by one of the AIM programmers.

Morning Bike Commute

Distance: 11.3 miles
Riding time: 52 minutes
Max speed: 29.2 mph
Average speed: 12.9 mph
Temperature: 45º

  • 162nd to Halsey
  • Halsey past I-84 overpass
  • 80th to Glisan
  • Glisan to 76th
  • 76th to Everett
  • Everett/Davis to Floral Place
  • Floral Place across Burnside to Ankeny
  • Ankeny to Grand
  • Grand to Burnside
  • Burnside to Broadway