Vital Statistics

Bike odometer: 1262

Aches & pains: Shoulders, lower back

Current reading: The Swift Programming Language

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, This American Life, Radiolab, Childish Gambino

Recent viewing: Barry, Westworld, SNL, The Handmaids Tale, NBA Playoffs

Recent playing: n/a

Recent events: Hired permanently, Thomas graduated college, new iPad mini 4 (128Gb)

Recently accomplished: Traveled to Indiana in April and May, 59 miles/week riding, compost harvest, new Marathon Plus tires on bike, cooked steaks with cast iron, treated lawn for weeds and moss

Imperative To Do: 100 miles/week riding, plant grass in bare spots, clean roof, manual insurance claims, pay bills, install AC

Daily Habit Goals, May

Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
06:15,Get out of bed
,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
06:30,Ride to work
,Peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
12:30,Lunch (60g carbs)
16:30,Ride home
18:30,Dinner (60g carbs)
19:00,Free time for…
,…Reading books
21:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: swollen left elbow, sore right shoulder, sore lower back

Current reading: Stack Overflow

Recent listening: Waking Up with Sam Harris, The Accidental Tech Podcast, Radiolab, This American Life, WTF with Marc Maron

Recent viewing: Saturday Night Live, The Looming Tower, The Last Man on Earth, Scandal, Billions, Homeland, Lost in Space, Transparent, My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, Wakefield, Black Panther, The Slo Mo Show

Recent playing: starman

Recently accomplished: Took Butters to the vet, 30 miles a week riding, bought and returned rain jacket, bought new sandals, removed cherry tree

Imperative To Do: 100 miles/week riding, Dad’s Day at Depauw, plant grass in bare spots, revisit financial aid for 2018, compost, fix desk speakers

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: slightly sore left elbow and shoulder

Current reading: Getting Things Done by David Allen

Recent listening: Waking Up with Sam Harris, The Accidental Tech Podcast, Radiolab, This American Life

Recent viewing: Saturday Night Live, The Frankenstein Chronicles, The Looming Tower, The Last Man on Earth, Jessica Jones (Season 2), Scandal, The Naked Truth (Season 1), Godless

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: Got a job (4 month contract), bike riding to work, replaced dishwasher, completed physical therapy for dislocated elbow

Imperative To Do: Take Butters to the vet, 100 miles/week riding, lower grade to 8 inches, reduce CPAP leakage

Daily Habit Goals, March revisited

Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
06:15,Get out of bed
,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
06:30,Ride to work
,Peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
12:30,Lunch (60g carbs)
16:30,Ride home
18:30,Dinner (60g carbs)
21:00,Free time for…
,…Reading books
21:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard

Daily Habit Goals, March

Time[attr style=”width:50px”],Action
06:15,Get out of bed
,Clean bite guard
,Blood sugar
06:30,Make coffee
,Kitchen chores while waiting
,Make/eat peanut butter toast (15g carbs)
7:00,Ride to work
12:30,Lunch (60g carbs)
17:00,Ride home
18:30,Dinner (60g carbs)
21:00,Free time for…
,…Reading books
21:15,Brush teeth
,Bite guard

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: sore throat, congestion, general physical malaise

Current reading: The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller, Getting Things Done by David Allen

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, Waking Up with Sam Harris

Recent viewing: Humans, Saturday Night Live, The Last Man in the World, United Shades of America, Kobe Bryant’s Muse, Bright, Black Mirror (season 3), Chasing Trane, Dave Chappelle, Rick and Morty

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: Garage organization/cleaning, rideshare driving

Imperative To Do: Get a job, 100 miles/week riding, lower grade to 8 inches, reduce CPAP leakage, resume iOS training

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: lower back soreness, sciatica (left hip), sore knees when biking sometimes.

Sciatic pain can be some of the most unrelenting, disheartening conditions. In mild cases, they’re annoying, and in extreme cases, they can be near crippling. According to the American Chiropractic Association, half of all working Americans experience back pain symptoms each year. Thanks to Emilly Rich made a list of best mattresses for people dealing with sciatic pain.

Current reading: The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, Coverville, Radiolab, The Woj Pod, Robot or Not?, Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!

Recent viewing: Longmire (final season), Dark Matter, The Barkley Marathons, Nova, Frontline, Future Man, Saturday Night Live, I Love You America, Max Steel, The Great Wall

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: 65 bike miles/week, raked leaves, made Tina’s birthday present, wrote a Reddit bot, celebrated 25th wedding anniversary, 30 mile bike ride

Imperative To Do: Get a job, lower grade to 8 inches, organize/clean garage, FAFSA, reduce CPAP leakage, resume iOS training, clean roof

Vital Statistics

Aches & pains: n/a

Current reading: The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller

Recent listening: Very Bad Wizards, Coverville

Recent viewing: Stranger Things 2, Mindhunter, Mr. Robot, World Series (Game 5), Ex Machina, Arrival

Recent playing: n/a

Recently accomplished: 48 bike miles/week, finished painting the house, planted remaining grass

Imperative To Do: Get a job, Tina’s birthday present, lower grade to 8 inches, organize/clean garage

Porto Alegre, Brazil, February 25, 2011

A few years ago I used to ride with Portland Critical Mass every month. Eventually, the numbers became so small that it seemed pointless to continue. Still, I’ve long felt a kinship with Critical Mass rides everywhere. Thus, seeing the following video taken Friday night in Brazil almost made me cry. One minute into the video, the joy and serenity is replaced with insane violence:

Continue reading “Porto Alegre, Brazil, February 25, 2011”