Snowpocalypse 2008

Inside and outside tables
Originally uploaded by rynosoft

Someone on Twitter coined the term “snowpocalypse” to describe the breathless media frenzy of the impending snow storm last week. Unfortunately, the snow has not melted and it has been a little snowpocalyptic around here since it arrived. I snapped a few pictures and put them in a set on my Flickr account. Unfortunately, there are probably more to come. I left Iowa 20 years ago to get away from this crap!

3 Replies to “Snowpocalypse 2008”

  1. I love the picture of Thomas shoveling….with a freakin garden shovel! Give that kid a real snow shovel, would ya? Soooo not Iowa! 🙂 Oh, and it totally sucks that you have more and better snow than we have….

    1. We don’t have a snow shovel. Hey, at least it’s a garden spade and not a roundpoint spade! Seriously, we get enough to shovel less than once every five years. His time is less valuable than my money! Perhaps I’ll get one in 10 years after G leaves the house. 🙂

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